
Archive for May, 2006

How highly do you value your Self? Do you revere your Self? Or do you constantly downgrade it,minimise it, put it down. Strangling Its need for self expression, making Self conform to those around it. You should Fit In is the catch cry all around you except, have you noticed, You are the one saying it the loudest. Are you shouting to yourSelf “Fit In, You must Fit in.” Ever stopped to think…..maybe your uniqueness is what you have to bring to the world? Maybe ,the gentleness inside you is not to be sneered at and repressed but tended gently and carefully as you would a precious prescious flower?

We all go through “social conditioning” but there comes a time in adult life when we need to sort out our true place in the world. Where do we fit in? Where do we really thrive? Where can we make the best contributions? Where will our words and actions mean the most? To be Yourself just means to express more and more of YourSelf into the world. To let more and more of your uniqueness out. To blend less and to stand out more. To shine more and more brightly. To take chances with what we say and what we stand up for and who we hang out with. Have more and more friends who know the real You. More and more people who understand You. More and more to be surrounded with the places,things,emotions,people,careers,goods,environment that You really really really like and want.

The more you free yourSelf, the larger and larger and brighter and happier you will be. And the more happy you are, the freer you are, the more self realised you become, the more you have to give others.

That’s just the way it is. Its one of  those immutable Universal Laws. To be YourSelf means risking being different to some others around you. And that is ok. Let it be alright. Let it be normal to You to be different sometimes. To be unique. To show the way to others. To go forward skipping even tho everyone else hops. So what? Soon some will realise that skipping is more fun and quicker too. Let yourSelf have its Say. Listen jsut a little bit better and more carefully.

Love yourSelf more. Treat yourSelf better. Be kinder. More considerate.More loving. More compassionate.The more you give to yourSelf the clearer and brighter becomes your life purpose and life purpose is always aligned with the highest benefit to mankind.

In light and love Innerlight

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How do I claim my personal power and what does "claiming" my personal power really mean?

It means to thrive in the knowledge of one's own resources and abilities. It means to have and pursue what one wants without regard to what others can and can't give to you.

To do things constructively one must go forward systematically and suspend judgement until the goal is reached. in other words, don't worry about failing along the way, expect to get there because you trust in your own abilities and capabilities. You don't have to have experienced these qualities to trust in them. In a way, personal power is about faith in Self and the Universal Laws.

Can you expalin about Universal Laws- some in particular?

What you get is a result of what you give, BUT, and this is important; the quality of what you give is measured in INTENT,CLARITY, PURITY OF MOTIVE,and cleanliness of soul(or clear energy-unadulterated by worries, fears, expectations,problems).

Just have faith and ACT as if THAT IS HOW IT WILL BE.

All events in one's life are linked. We are all linked. To think we are seperate one from the other- is to forget that we are beings radiating energy and linking energies on many levels.

When you radiate confidence in your self and your own resources you attract universal resources too. This is important to remember.

In love and light, Innerlight

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"If you can't say anything nice, sing it instead :)"

 by Innerlight

"When the cup is full, get a bucket :)"

by Innerlight.

Got any quirky quotes that will make us laugh? Please let me know. I love them.

How are you doing on the exercises from the 2 "conversations with your Soul" articles?

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Searching for life partners? We are always alone. Our journey is alone.

Nothing or no one can change that  If we really understand that, feel that through and through, and resist the urge to try and delude ourselves that someone can actually go with us through the exact same journey then an inner relaxation begins. And from this inner relaxation occurs the beginnings of seeing the world as it really is. This in turn frees us from wanting what is impossible and begins to aim our sights on the miracles that are possible.

 It is possible to find a life partnerwho feeds your soul, who laughs with you not at you, who merges with your life making it grander and better and bigger than you can alone. As long as you realize that they are separate from you and need to have the same back from you. YOU need to feed their soul, laugh with them not against them, and make their lives bigger, grander and better.  

When two human beings come together, both with the perspective that they can take each other on the best trip of a lifetime, then a rewarding synergistic wondrous relationship occurs. One which grows stronger as it matures, feels younger as it grows older and a relationship and a connection that is unrivalled by any other source of energetic comparison unfolds.

 A Practical tool to implement this is to list every single thing YOU have to offer to a partner. Then carefully and meticulously go through that list and ask yourself ….am I giving MYSELF these things, which I claim I have to give to another person? 

This inversion technique, if done thoroughly and meticulously will really open your eyes and your awareness about yourself, your motivations, and your neediness or otherwise is revealed clearly.  

It is recommended to do the list for 21 days: noticing how you begin to give yourself more and more of what you claim you can give to others. Once you REALLY feel that you are giving yourself everything you feel you can, THEN is the time to really start envisioning and imagining your life partner.

 In the imagining make sure to ask for a partner that recognizes and uses their own best qualities on themselves as well. We can’t give what we have not inner -experienced  .This is a truth and can’t be brushed over with affirmations or wishful thinking.

You have to explore your best qualities and apply them to yourself so that when you meet the correct life partner you will recognize if they are aware and using their best qualities too. 

Look forward to miraculous harmony as a reward for the intense inner work you do on yourself. Always, always wish the best for yourself as well as others.


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Well, I was all ready to write an inspired deep and meaningful little article and then bam…I came across my true nemesis. Website technology grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I am trying (tryingggg being the operative word ) to add a link back to blogflux (which by the way is the only blog directory that seems easy to get around and eaasy to work with ) and I can't find where to do it. I added their code as a bookmark and it said "bookmark added" but then when I went to my site there was no little blogflux symbol:( …Me very sad now .

Testing if I put the code in here <a href="http://dir.blogflux.com/"><img src="http://dir.blogflux.com/images/80×15.gif" alt="Blog Flux Directory" border="0"></a>will it come out there on the post????

If anyone out there can help me please just write out a little step-by-step thing so I can put my blog link that I want in !!!

Thank you :):) big bunch of flowers and a hug:)

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This is a beautiful gentle meditation which is lovely to share with your love/life partner.

 Sit facing each other with legs crossed and eyes open.

Look deeply in each others eyes and notice the moment when you are both "in sync" and feeling very connected.

At this moment place your hands over each others ;this is best with the women's hands facing down on the male's palms. Breathe deeply for the count of three. Lean forward so you are almost touching noses and as the male breathes out ,let the woman inhale the males breath ,and then vice-a-versa. (This is called the cycle breath) Slowly lean back and sit up straight again.

 Picture a cycle of energy going from the male to the female and back to  the male and back to the female. Breath normally as you picture a golden swirling mist surrounding the both of you.

As you both feel more and more relaxed allow your knees to just touch together and allow your energy to flow down from your heart through your torso down to your legs and down to your feet. Are you feeling warm yet :). Both lean back again and just relax. Breathe normally.

Again look very deeply in each other's eyes and say the following( with the male saying it first):

I love and respect you.I wish for you to be the best person you can be. I ask your forgiveness if anything I have said or done has hurt you. I love you. You are my freedom and my safety. You are my true friend. I want to connect with you and truly know you.I love you.

Look in each others eyes again and lean forward and do the cycle breath again. Slowly lean back, relax and then give each other a long warm hug if you feel like it.

The meditation is then finished.

A few notes to make this easier: This is an awesome meditation and energetic pattern to enhance and build and create a vital fulfilling day to day connection with your lover. Do it only with another person you really respect and love. These energy connections should be reserved  for life partners.

As its hard to remember all the bits until you get used to it, I recommend printing this out and then recording it in your own voice so you can play it while you are doing the lovers meditation. The more you do this connection exercise the more flow will exist in your relationship and the more joy and love will be allowed to shine through between you.

Its joyful and I wish with all my heart that you use this meditation as often as possible. Life is short and our loved ones are the most precious gifts …let us appreciate them.

I would like to thank my angel for this channelled meditation.

In love and light, Innerlight


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Think being spiritual means sitting around gazing at your navel and renouncing all worldly gains and opportunities? Think again.

 Your soul came here to do a job. A huge lifetime worth of crucial work. It embodied so it could act on an earthly plane certain unique necessary actions to enhance and progress the collective unconscious of human beings. It came to progress and do its absolute utmost to get its blueprint and plan carried out.

Are you hindering that progress? Are you holding that part of you that is rearing to go back because of habit, routine, fear, lack of money, lack of energy, lack of …anything? Or are you paralysed by the information overload and overwhelm inherent in our society today?

Whatever the reasons there are concrete do-able actions and strategies to overcome this inertia and drive you forward to a life full of true adventure, inspiration and love of life.

 Here is the first in a series of practical exercises to get us all moving and in true action mode!

 Strategy One: Force Yourself to Act on Whatever Knowledge You Already Know.

Choose one (yes only one!) article that you have read within the last 48 hours and assume that article is the only piece of literature you have or will ever read on the subject. (For simplicity I'm going to use the example of "Your Soul's Tiny And Crystal Clear Voice Revealed." )

Imagine what Actions, Goals, and Mental Attitudinal shifts you would make based solely on this article's information. Now take 3 blank sheets of paper and in large letters on the top, label the 1st sheet- Goals, the 2nd sheet-Actions, and the 3rd sheet-Attitudinal Changes. Now without hesitation, and still assuming this is the last piece of information you will ever read on the subject- answer the following questions under the appropriate headings.

Q1. In the next 2 hours what actions ,goals and mental attitudes would I take that are not the norm for me? Imagine these actions in as much detail as you can.

 Q2. In the next 2 days how would I have to think differently in my daily life?

Q3.What assumptions would I have to change about myself and others?

Q4.What would have to shift in my daily life to accomodate and use the knowledge I have derived from this article. Imagine these subtle differences. Does anything really come very quickly to your mind? Write these down on your sheets,under the appropriate headings.

When you feel lost in a swirl of information the key is always to just STOP. Evaluate that which is directly in front of you. Act on it. And from there derive some new goals or re-visit old goals and ideas that you may have left behind. We are attracted to certain knowledge because somehow it fits with our life print: it fits with our life plan. Therefore, as we use the knowledge that comes to us , we can move forward in a wise and timely and progressive fashion.

If you do the blank paper exercise and allow it to become a mechanism to sort out your thoughts , you will soon discover that some very defined goals literally spring into your mind. Write them down as soon as they come into your conscious mind. 

Do this exercise for 3 days and LIST every single thing you have achieved that has moved you forward solely by acting on this one article's information.

This strategy can be applied to anything you do and resolves the information overload and overwhelm problem we have in our overstimulated society.

It stops us jumping form one bit of knowledge to another  and concentrates our efforts and indulges our need to achieve and lets us use what we already know.

It allows us to feel empowered by the information around us,rather than held back from it.We can think and act with clarity and purpose and hence stride forward.

Clues to your true life purpose are all around you and in our next lesson we will delve deeply and thoroughly into "How to become a Life Purpose Detective."

Until then love and light , Innerlight.

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 ”How do I move forward in my life?” I asked my Soul and she answered:  

 One Step at a time! As you move one step you start to see, maybe feel or hear, the next step and so on. 

You don’t need to see the whole staircase to move to the next step.Even if you are afraid of heights it’s only if you perceive the whole picture that you would be frightened. How could one little step higher be scary? Huh? How could one little move be frightening? It can’t. However, if you try to look up at the TOP of the stairs, at the summit of the mountain, then yes, it is scary. You feel so unequipped, so vulnerable. How you ask yourself, can I possibly carry all the resources I need to the top? 

 The Answer is to recognize the resources bit by bit, as you move step by step; the resource (or opportunities, or strengths, or knowledge) will be available to you.

Yes, you may have to work for it, stretch a little out of your comfort zone and move in a new way but so what? You want to move ahead don’t you? You want to satisfy the NEED your Soul has to do since it was born into your body don’t you? Do you hear your soul’s wishes and ignore them? Do you ache somewhere deep deep in your heart? Do you wish to feel as though you are on track and actually on the journey you really need and desire? Then take ONE STEP at a time.

 “How do I recognize which steps to take?” I asked eagerly.

   Sometimes, you’ll be having a quiet moment. Could be sipping tea, listening to the radio. Watching TV, traveling on the train- this is a quiet moment INSIDE your mind, regardless of what is occurring in the outer world. 

 And in this quiet moment your soul’s tiny but crystal clear voice is speaking to you… As you daydream and wish- what are you wishing in this moment? That you made the best chocolate cake ever? That you joined the World Peace Organisation? That your cat has the silkiest fur and you love him? That you are good at saying things? That you want to write some words, maybe even, a poem? That you wish with all your heart and soul that you could travel to Peru, Africa, France, a country town?

 Listen to this tiny soul voice and at that moment ask yourself- What is my next step? What can I do right now to move me closer to my true, real, life purpose?

The steps may be tiny- you may get an impulse to the shop and buy ice-cream but while you are there you overhear someone say …I’ve just been to Peru, or Africa, or…Or you want to look at a magazine and there is a recipe you feel you would like to try.

  In this way we allow and let synchronicity  (or synchro-destiny)into our lives. We allow the next step to present it- self. We allow our soul the freedom, and the permission to give us clues that we just follow. We can do this with all things great and small. 

We don’t need ever to jump from the thought “I love my cat” to “I’m going to throw in my job and be a VET.”  Universal Law doesn’t work that way.  It doesn’t JAR you like that – it gives you small do-able steps and we need to trust enough that we take the little steps, and that we listen and are grateful and treat and respect our own soul-self as we would our dearest, most beloved, most worthy best Friend.

 In Love and Light, Innerlight.  

Please Note: This is the first in a series of articles covering Step -by -Step Guidance to Conversations With Your Soul.   

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When asked how Michelangelo could create such beauty from a rock he answered: ” I see the angel within and chip away until I release her.”

How really really amazing is that concept . To not only see the beauty underneath but to also bring it out. We can all apply this to our whole philosophy in life. If we approached everyone and everything with this mentality and attitude how we could change ourselves and the world!

This is a great exercise which enlivened me and made me feel happy and purposeful: Every day for 7 days I approached one daily event or person with this attitude of seeing the beauty within and also of bringing it out. An example was in my garden. I had a patch of garden that was just so messy that I had given up on it completely. However with that quote in mind I really looked at that bed and realised that 5 things I could do straight away to change it. Just like that…chipping away at it until now its a beautiful bed of deep purple and white violets.

I first heard this quote in Paul McKenna’s excellent CD for losing weight. And the effect of those words has been so powerful…now when I look in the mirror I realise that bit by bit I can release the beauty within and feel relaxed and happy knowing that soon I’ll be a slim peice of art!! 🙂

by Innerlight

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Sitting around the kitchen table chatting with my friends. I turned as one of them opened the fridge and said"Geez, not much stuff in here. Only lettuce and fresh fruit and lots of "healthy" crap. I wanted some ice cream , he said with a sad face," a bit of beer, and pizza."

It occurred to me that what i felt was a well stocked fridge was to him , a barren wasteland of food he just didn't relate to and didn't like. Isn't that the same as the old saying "one person's junk is another's treasure?" And doesn't that apply to our view of riches as well. If i need one million dollars to DO what i NEED to do in life, then I need that much . Someone telling me that i should be satisfied with $200 000 just isn't going to help me.What helps is to say OK….HOW are you going to make that one million dollars. What are you going to DO for it. What actions are you willing to take and what opportunities are you willing to hold and apply into your daily life?

When riches don't appear it usually means we arent doing one of two things: we aren't focussed on riches or we are focussed on riches but we aren't taking the appropriate actions to getting rich.  I'm learning this myself…i love talking and have millions of ideas but until recently the ACTION part of that wasn't happening…so part of taking action has been to start this blog and force myself to actually write and communicate my ideas and inspirations.

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