
Posts Tagged ‘twin souls’

If we look at our Twin Flame or Twin Soul as a catalyst to release and clear all that is not really us…to look at them as a mirror that reflects all we are and all we aren’t at the present moment…if we see them as a catalytic force…then and only then do we really understand why the relationship can be so very intense, exhausting,invigorating,thrilling,complicated!!! at present im just recovering from my twin being with me and staying at my house for a month. OMG was it intense. Did we both go through lots of stuff …ummm yes…did we challenge and misunderstand each other….ummm yes…did we feel closer and closer? ummmm yes….did we feel further and further ummmm yesss….and so it goes on. The agony and the ecstacy…….I have a feeling that my twin is going to distance himself from me for a while and I will have to just let it alllllll goooooo……oh boy here we go again……….and what you ask did I learn about myself, and what did all this intensity do to me? Well, I like myself more than before. I love myself more deeply than before. I understand at a deep , core level, that I am complete in myself, that I don’t need anyone to heal me or love me or be with me to complete me. I can have love and healing and a partner but as a bonus to my life. I am complete unto myself. That is a huge realisation for me, a big understanding on a deep profound level. Do I miss my Twin ? Yes. And I always will. But it is ok. Whether we drift in and out of each other’s physical lives or if we never see each other again ..it truly is ok. I have understood that we impact each other on every level whether together or not. For this time just now, we have to be apart again just to survive the intensity of it. To go through all the stuff that we need to go through when we are apart. Because when you are apart you process things differently , you have some time and space to feel and think and be with just yourself and to reflect on all that being with your twin soul really does to you. To really reflect on all the catalytic changes that are happening. And also to realise that some twin souls can be together , and some just can’t. To just accept how it is between you two particularly. To understand that all Twin Souls have their own journey together in different ways with different paths and to really see the reality of your own twin soul/twin flame reality.

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So…we are here…stuck at some sort of Agony crossroads. I went for a long long long walk on the beach today and asked for Divine Guidance on the whole shebang..

This is what I was told:

1. Concentrate on the Twin Union Energy. Nurture it, energise it, ask angels, guides, Source to constantly power it and cleanse it.

Most actively send Divine Love into the Union and ask that your Union be for the benefit of all.

2. Actively work on your own issues. Provoke them into being and then find ways to clear them. Follow all intuition and guidance that you receive on HOW to do this clearing. You may be led to courses, energy work, yoga, chi-qong, tarot reader, new job , walks on beaches :):) etc etc. This is a call to action everything that you receive as ‘intuition’ and go forward and clear yourself of issues.

Of course, ask your Twin to do the same but then leave them to it. This is about working , individually, on our own stuff.

3. This active pursual of clearing out your own stuff allows for more and more merge within the twin union and this in turn allows for much faster manisfestation of your joint Mission on Earth to flower and become larger and larger.

4. Concentrate not on the other twin but on yourself…what do you need to be doing, saying, manifesting right now. What do you need to clear, deal with , heal within yourself. Understand that ALL  healing you do for Self benefits the Twin Union.

5. Twin Flames are here because they have decided they have a Mission to increase energetic frequency of the planet in one way or another and all is to bring us to the Divine Love Frequency.


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Twin Souls ..the agony and the ecstacy Imagine if you will meeting that extraordinary person, that ONE that you have dreamt and imagined. The perfect person fit, that which knows you in all aspects of Spirit. Imagine meeting someone who you recognize instantly, who when their energy meets yours in physical presence causes an immediate catalystic/alchemnistic reaction in your energy fields. Just like that . BOOOOOOOOM
And imagine how marvellous, liberating , awe inspiring, magnificently catacylsmic that encounter is in terms of shifting your entire life. You suddenly feel different, ARE different ,your personality as you know it changes, your ego suddenly disappears for a while and you allow a wondorous merging of your twin energies. These energies which match perfectly, which vibrate to be together. That’s the Ecstacy. Your joint life mission of why you are here is revealed to you …..That is the Ecstacy. You experience the Bliss of Divine Love, Sacred Union. The unrivalled feeling of ONeness….That is the Ecstacy.

Now for the Agony: Because soon , your old life, ego, friends, society, traditions, conditioning, ALL and every issue you ever collected in your lifetime/s comes crashing down upon you .
“What the hell”, say your friends ,”are you thinking , doing???” You can’t …leave that job…be with him…..believe this energy crap…be this giving , loving, totally involved with a complete stranger”. And so it starts….your fears, his fears, societies fears, expectations, your past hurts , his past hurts,……
And once Twin-Ship hits you …the pace is accelerated. The clearing of your old stuff comes at you like the pace of light…supersonic…one thing after another. Until sometimes you feel crushed by it.
Then there is the timing between your twin and you. He is ready, you are not. You are ready, he is not. Life, money, practicalities, just come at you and you are left there thinking…….WOW…We have Union, Divine Love between us naturally, effortlessly and yet all this chaos is still going on in my Life???

That’s the stage we are at……when things move ….I’ll write some more :).

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One day as the tree wandered aimlessly around, having experienced much, but always wondering why something seemed amiss within it self , it bumped up against another tree.
Somehow, it was very drawn to this other tree and wished to know it.
Suddenly, both let out a Whoop of Joy……Ohhhhhhhhhh….You are who I have been looking for….You are my other Half they cried and embraced branches in ecstatic Joy.

This was great and they were filled with Joy. As they spent more time together they realised that they wished to become one tree. Howevver, there was a major problem. As they put the rough bark parts of their trunk together they discovered that the two parts no longer fit well . There were too many bumps, and too many rough patches.
“Hmmm” they both said, “well, this is tricky.” How are we to get together in perfect harmony when we have all these lumps and bumps between us.”
“Well”, said the braver one, “I will rip off a bit of my rough patch bark and you rip off a bit of yours and see what happens.”
Both feeling the eupohoria of the Great Love they felt for each other , they counted out 1,2,3,and both ripped of a bit of their patchwork bark.
OUCH!!!!!! that was scary said one. OUCH!! that hurt said the other. But it was worth it…said the braver one. I’m not so sure said the other …Look we’ve done a tiny patch and its scary.
Also my next patch has a great story attached to it about a parrot and I don’t want to give that patch up.
First they had to decide which patch they were willing to rip off… Well, this one is precious to me..this is how I learnt to be tough. This one is when I had to learn how to survive bee stings. And this one a very cute little willow gave me that…..so it became difficult.
One half decided it wasn’t worth all this pain and wandered off again saying it would join the other half another time but not now. It wandered off for a while , travelling aimlessly, here and there, looking for new patches but now it had met its twin felt wrong somehow and had to come back.
I’m back it said and so the process started again of ripping bits of old crusty stuck on bark patches and becoming smooth as silk again. My it hurt, my it was difficult, my it was tempting to blame the other Twin Tree for not doing the Right Thing or for not ripping the Right Patch off at the Right Time.
After time though and with the Great Tree Love from each other they had exposed all their trunk.
Amazingly, they found that in the Presence of Each Other they could grow their own pperfect silky bark over their cut half and although they were each one complete tree they could also join and become one bigger tree too.
A Miracle , they both agreed, and with that they lived happily ever after.

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What happens when twin souls meet and recognize each other?

Imagine, if you will, that Once Upon A Time, there was a beautiful, perfect tree planted in Paradise. One day however the hand of God came and cleaved the huge tree in half and said “Go Forth and experience the World…Go forth one half here and one half there until you have experienced all and wish to become One again.

So the two halves of the tree wandered off and sad and lonely began to explore different parts of existance. As they cried sap escaped and ran over the cut half of their trunk. This cleaved part was very tender and sore and although the sap protected and sooothed it , it also attracted many dangers…animals came and licked and bit at it, insects came and built nests within it. Birds came and pecked at it. So the tree halves began to look around at how to protect themselves from such hurt and destruction of their unprotected cut half.

They noticed that other trees often had a very rough patchlike bark on one half of the trunk.
How did you get that rough patchwork bark , the little tree asked…”oh, said one giant moreton bay fig, I picked this bit up from Frank in Italy, and this bit from Sue in France. This bit came from alizard in the Gobi desert, and this patch came from the ground, this patch was made for me by an old tree, and this patch was flown in by Bird.
So the tree understood the wisdom given by the Great Fig to mean this: Pick up all odd bits of Bark, wherever you can , however you can , and patchwork it on to the tender, exposed, cut half.
So eons passed, and the patches on the tree became harder, and tougher, and more and and more interwoven onto the cut part of the tree until no more was exposed. The tree forgot many things, one of them being that its natural bark was smooth as silk and really believed that the rough bark was its own bark made by itself and for protection.

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Do you have a heart friend? Someone to talk with that really, truly, deeply, intrinsically GETS you, how you are deep inside ?
Or do you have friends from which you feel you need to hide the best bits of yourself. the different sides of you, your complexities and your sorrows and your desires and how you really think and feel and want and need and act in your life?
Think on it.
Find more Heart Friends.
Search Harder.
Be Yourself more often in more situations.
Tell your truths more openly.
Love more dangerously.
Allow Heart Friends into your Life.
Enrich yourself.
Enbolden Yourself.
Feel Whole Again.
Heart Friends…..Think on it…
Love and light,

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