
Posts Tagged ‘twin soul union’

If we look at our Twin Flame or Twin Soul as a catalyst to release and clear all that is not really us…to look at them as a mirror that reflects all we are and all we aren’t at the present moment…if we see them as a catalytic force…then and only then do we really understand why the relationship can be so very intense, exhausting,invigorating,thrilling,complicated!!! at present im just recovering from my twin being with me and staying at my house for a month. OMG was it intense. Did we both go through lots of stuff …ummm yes…did we challenge and misunderstand each other….ummm yes…did we feel closer and closer? ummmm yes….did we feel further and further ummmm yesss….and so it goes on. The agony and the ecstacy…….I have a feeling that my twin is going to distance himself from me for a while and I will have to just let it alllllll goooooo……oh boy here we go again……….and what you ask did I learn about myself, and what did all this intensity do to me? Well, I like myself more than before. I love myself more deeply than before. I understand at a deep , core level, that I am complete in myself, that I don’t need anyone to heal me or love me or be with me to complete me. I can have love and healing and a partner but as a bonus to my life. I am complete unto myself. That is a huge realisation for me, a big understanding on a deep profound level. Do I miss my Twin ? Yes. And I always will. But it is ok. Whether we drift in and out of each other’s physical lives or if we never see each other again ..it truly is ok. I have understood that we impact each other on every level whether together or not. For this time just now, we have to be apart again just to survive the intensity of it. To go through all the stuff that we need to go through when we are apart. Because when you are apart you process things differently , you have some time and space to feel and think and be with just yourself and to reflect on all that being with your twin soul really does to you. To really reflect on all the catalytic changes that are happening. And also to realise that some twin souls can be together , and some just can’t. To just accept how it is between you two particularly. To understand that all Twin Souls have their own journey together in different ways with different paths and to really see the reality of your own twin soul/twin flame reality.

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